Monday, October 14, 2013

Our three-year-old has recently become absolutely obsessed (as only a three-year-old can) with the movie Lion King, and as a result, with lions.

“Mom, did you know lions can jump really high?”

“Dad, do you know what lions eat?”

And so on, and so on. You get the idea.

There is nothing better than the joy we see on her face when she sees something she loves. So we take her to see the lions. There are more around than I ever realized! There are real lions, statute lions, and stuffed lions. There are lions on TV, lions in movies, and lions guarding city buildings.

The web is full of lions, too. We enjoy curling up with the tablet and watching baby lions play on the Savannah, and learning more fun facts about lions, too. There are Lion King coloring pages here, which can be printed out for hours of entertainment.

When you are on a mission to find something, it is everywhere! It’s a bit like the old “slug bug” game when we are out – everyone is on the look for lions.

What does your child love, that you could “chase”?


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