Monday, June 1, 2015

Florida: SeaWorld Orlando Blue Horizons Show

We went to the Blue Horizons show at SeaWorld Orlando today, and it was so amazing!

The show is an exciting mix of aquatic animal show (dolphins, short-finned pilot whales), part exotic bird show, and part theatrical and acrobatic performance. 

Bria wanted to sit in the "splash zone," which meant she got completely soaked. And she loved every minute of it!

The dolphins are the stars of the show, and they were spectacular! It was really fun to watch how much fun they were having as they swam and flipped and performed.

The pilot whales are a recent addition to the show, being young rescues that are still early in their training.

Then of course there were the acrobatics of the humans! Wow, it was exciting to watch them flip and glide through the air with the birds, and swim with their dolphin friends.

1 comment:

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