Thursday, October 25, 2012

I was visiting with a friend the other day, and mentioned an upcoming trip. "Oh cool! Are you going to a conference?" "No, just thought it would be fun." She visibly shuddered. "Not me. That sounds awful," she said. At first, I was sad for her that she does't have the joy a love of traveling brings. But clearly her life is full as it is, and we don't all need to have the same interests. But it got me thinking. What is it about tripping around the world that makes us travel buffs love it so...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site, 23 miles from Williston, North Dakota on the Montana border, is a beautiful and educational place to spend a fall afternoon with the family. We made the trek over on Sunday afternoon with our four children and had a good time exploring the buildings, checking out the displays in the Bourgeois House, and roaming through the grounds. A trading...